Aligning our laws with Nature’s laws.

We Envision a Future in Which Humans and Nature Flourish Together

Earth Law is the idea that ecosystems have the right to exist, thrive, and evolve—and that Nature should be able to defend its rights in court, just like people can.

Despite decades of environmental legislation, Earth’s health continues to decline. Because our current laws protect Nature only for the benefit of people and corporations, profit usually takes priority over Nature. Even when environmental issues are brought to court, people must prove that the environmental damage violates their own rights since the environment has no rights of its own.

See Earth Law Center’s Short Film: Last Stand: Saving the Elwha River's Legacy Forests

Click above image to see the ~22 minute movie free on Earth Law Center’s YouTube channel.

When a large, ecologically sensitive legacy forest in the heart of the Elwha River Watershed was identified for harvest, the Earth Law Center, Keystone Species Alliance, and Center for Whale Research began using all legal means possible against the Washington State Department of Natural Resources in an attempt to halt the impending clear-cut. Through breathtaking cinematography and intimate interviews, witness the profound beauty and ecological significance of the watershed, as well as the dire consequences of unchecked deforestation.

You can view the film on ELC’s YouTube channel, and visit our Elwha Legacy Forests page to read more about the critical ongoing campaign to save these irreplaceable forests.

Major Victory for Rights of Nature in Peru

March 18, 2024: In a landmark ruling, the Peruvian Court of Nauta has recognized the rights of the Marañón River and appointed a federation of Indigenous communities as its guardians. The Marañon is a magnificent free-flowing river that runs for 1,600 miles from the snowy peaks of the Peruvian Andes into the heart of the Amazon. It has now become the first river in Peru to be declared as having rights.

For years, ELC and International Rivers, alongside many incredible partners in Peru and beyond, have supported the Kukama Women's Federation, the case’s plaintiff, to protect this river and its communities from constant oil spills from the Norperuvian oil pipeline.

ELC’s Latin America Legal Team Supports Case

ELC’s Javier Ruiz speaks at the in-person hearing on the case in Nauta, Peru on Nov. 9, 2023.

ELC team members Constanza Prieto-Figelist, Javier Ruiz, and Bastián Núñez have supported the Kukama Women’s Federation in this case. Read our article, “Earth Law Center Advocates for the Rights of Peru's Marañón River,” for additional detail.

Our Work

Rights of Nature in the Convention on Biological Diversity

Our advocacy continues; see our updated recommendation for Rights of Mother Earth (PDF) in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. See also our 2021 recommendation (PDF), with over 200 organizational and individuals signed on in support, and our supplementary report (PDF).

A collaborative declaration from the IUCN Global Youth Summit

The Declaration formed the basis for ELC and GARN requests to the IUCN (PDF) for implementing commitments under Resolution 100.

Earth Law Chronicles