We're Sick of it, Texas! and we believe in a state where everyone can get access to affordable, comprehensive, and quality healthcare.
We do this by connecting Texans to programs like Medicaid and CHIP, demystifying the health care system, and working with you to share your health experiences so that together, we can fight for a better health system for all of us.

What We Do

Illustration of one hand reaching out to another

Help You Get Care

We provide info to make health care
easier to understand and navigate.

Megaphone icon

Organize + Advocate

We fight for a health care system
that works for all of us.

Tell Our Stories

We work with Texans to
share your health care stories
& ground our advocacy.

Our Stories

Our leaders and fellow Texans need to hear from you about your experiences with healthcare.

They have the ability to take action and fight for a system that works for us, not against us. Our team is specially trained to help you craft your story and find ways to share it that work for your life and schedule.

Get Health Care

You shouldn't have to choose between your health and your other bills. And it shouldn't be hard to figure out your options.

Our tool helps you figure out if you're eligible for affordable health care programs in just 3-5 minutes. We also keep you in the know about these programs, and have additional resources to help you stay healthy.

Take Action

Moms Need Health Insurance!

Moms Need Health Insurance!

Nosotras merecemos ser escuchadas.

Nosotras merecemos ser escuchadas.

We deserve to be heard.

We deserve to be heard.

The Time for Health Care is Now

The Time for Health Care is Now

Comparte Tu Historia

Comparte Tu Historia

Share Your Story

Share Your Story

Record a video to call on Texas leaders to say YES to Medicaid expansion.

Record a video to call on Texas leaders to say YES to Medicaid expansion.