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Share Our EMR Campaign

Share our campaign materials to spread awareness about the health and environmental impacts of EMFs, the outdated regulatory limits and ways to mitigate risk of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and 5G wireless technologies.

Download and share these social media graphics:

Electromagnetic sensitivity affects up to 30% of the population
The prevalence of people with restricted access to work in manmade electromagnetic enviroments
Exposure to cell phone radiation produces biochemical changes in worker bees resulting in reduced motor activity and a significant decline in colony strength
Exposure to cell phone radiations produces biochemical changes in worker honey bees
Certain ranges of RF radiation "probably cause cancer," particularly gliomas and acoustic neuromas in humans, "clearly affect male fertility and possibly female fertility too" and may have adverse effects on the development of embryos, fetuses and newborns.
Current state of knowledge of 5g-related carcinogenic and reproductive/developmental hazards as they emerge from epidemiological studies and in vivo experimental studies
In a 2019 congressional hearing regarding the deployment of 5G, a VP in the telecom industry admitted under oath: "To my knowledge, there's no active studies being backed by industry today."
There are no safety studies demonstrating the long-term effects of prolonged exposure to 5G technologies
Reducing radio-frequency exposure at home
Avoid wireless devices when possible
Unsmart your home
Limit your time
Distance is key
Use airplane mode whenever possible
Wire your connection
Create wifi-free zones for children
Power off your wifi router at night

Print and distribute these educational flyers:

EMS flyer thumbnail
RF at home flyer thumbnail
RF at school flyer thumbnail

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