Family of bears on ice

Without you, there is no them.

Help protect one of the world’s biggest, most-vulnerable species and their habitat.

Dive in deeper

2023 Annual Report

Together, we accomplish so much—from den studies to efforts to keep polar bears and people safe in northern communities. See how your support is making a difference.

Together, we accomplish so much—from den studies to efforts to keep polar bears and people safe in northern communities. See how your support is making a difference.

In Memory of Dr. Ian Stirling

The polar bear world lost a "giant among giants" on May 14, 2024. In our tribute to this remarkable scientist, we share thoughts from colleagues.

The polar bear world lost a "giant among giants" on May 14, 2024. In our tribute to this remarkable scientist, we share thoughts from colleagues.

What Do Polar Bears Do in Spring?

After the cold, dark hardship of winter, the return of spring to the Arctic is like a rebirth, as life springs forth anew.

After the cold, dark hardship of winter, the return of spring to the Arctic is like a rebirth, as life springs forth anew.

Important News

A landmark new paper from our chief scientist emeritus addresses a loophole in the Endangered Species Act, paving the way for removing the current roadblock to polar bear protections.

A landmark new paper from our chief scientist emeritus addresses a loophole in the Endangered Species Act, paving the way for removing the current roadblock to polar bear protections.

Stay in Touch!

Become part of a community committed to protecting polar bears by signing up for our free e-news.

Become part of a community committed to protecting polar bears by signing up for our free e-news.

Polar Bears in the News

Love polar bears? Explore global media coverage on polar bears and our work.

Love polar bears? Explore global media coverage on polar bears and our work.

Geographical pin on ice

Polar Bear Tracker

Follow wild polar bears and learn how their movements are linked to the changing sea ice.

Mother bear and her cubs

Tundra Connections Webcasts

Join us for free educational webcasts and live events.

Make a Difference

We’re dedicated to conserving polar bears and the sea ice they depend on. Through media, science, and advocacy, we work to inspire people to care about the Arctic, the threats to its future, and the connection between this remote region and our global climate.

A mother polar bear and her cub on a patch of ice

Press Release

New Paper Provides Climate Policy Framework

A groundbreaking new study by our chief scientist emeritus quantifies the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on polar bears, removing an obstacle that prevented climate action.





31 Aug 2023

See Full Article

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