🚨 Another GMO ‘Vanity Product:’ Bayer to Sell Gene-Edited Salad Greens in U.S. Stores

GMO crops have faced widespread rejection by consumers, concerned with the health + environmental impacts of the foods, despite efforts by the powerful + well-funded pro-GMO lobby to undermine those concerns.



Biotech giant Bayer last week signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Pairwise, a genetic-based food startup, to develop and market its CRISPR-edited mustard greens, modified to be less bitter. Critics say the products haven’t been evaluated for health or environmental risks and could contain toxins or allergens.


🚨 Why Did Journal Retract Study Showing COVID Vaccines May Cause Cancer? Emails Raise New Questions

Syed (pseudonym, also known as Arkmedic) said the investigation “clearly shows that the retraction only occurred because of manufactured political pressure which resulted in a forced ‘hostage’ style request to retract by Hui Jiang (‘the ghost’) that Ya-Fang Mei refused to agree to, correctly.”



An NIH scientist with ties to pharma and the Wuhan Institute of Virology oversaw the retraction of a 2021 peer-reviewed study linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer risk, especially for women, according to emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.


“… when you're limiting speech, you're really starting to manipulate + mold the opinion + the control of the population.”

Nicole Shanahan is a mother, attorney, entrepreneur + philanthropist. From fighting censorship + pushing for healthy agricultural practices to promoting scientific research on fertility and studying methods for diagnosing neurological conditions — Nicole is a champion for medical freedom + the health of future generations.

Don't miss out! Watch their entire lively discussion on these important topics + MORE on #CHDTV ?


🚨 WHO Plans More ‘Health Promoting Schools’ — Critics Say More Vaccines, Less Parental Control Are Behind the Plan

SBHCs are “very, very agenda-driven organizations within the school system ... will cover everything from sex education [to] radical gender ideology. They’ll be talking about driving vaccines ..." — Laura Sextro, The Unity Project



The WHO is expanding its “Making Every School a Health Promoting School” initiative. Critics say the move is an attempt to bypass parental consent and expand vaccination, data collection and surveillance.


A company that makes tests for lead poisoning has agreed to resolve criminal charges that it concealed for years a malfunction that resulted in inaccurately low results.

While many of the fault-prone devices were used from 2013 to 2017, some were being recalled as late as 2021. The DOJ said the malfunction produced inaccurate results for “potentially tens of thousands” of children + other patients.



Parents should contact their child’s pediatrician to determine if their child had a blood lead test with a LeadCare device. Doctors consider any level of lead in the blood unsafe, especially for children, making accurate tests critical for public health.
