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Who said this, Iran or Democrats? We “Will Catch Trump, Put Him on Trial”

Who said this, Iran or Democrats? We “Will Catch Trump, Put Him on Trial”

Trick Question

Echoing the sentiments of Democrats, a top Iranian official has threatened to “catch” President Donald Trump and “put him on trial” for unspecified actions against Iran and others.

The threat was made by Mohsen Rezaei, the former chief of the regime’s military arm, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

“Ultimately, we will catch Trump and place him on trial, God willing,” Rezaei told on an Iranian TV. The former commander of the IGRC, a U.S. designated terrorist organization, saw the restraint shown by the White House following the attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities as weakness, saying: “They cannot defend themselves, so how would they defend Saudi Arabia?” a clip translated by Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) showed.

On September 14, the Iran-backed Ansar Allah militia attacked Saudi Arabia’s oil installations using drones and cruise missiles. The attack knocked out two-thirds of the country’s total output, about five percent of the world’s oil supply. This is part of Iran’s strategy to intimidate the West. Iran’s IGRC has carried out a series of attacks on oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz shipping lane, the waterway through which a quarter of the world’s oil supply passes.

The Times of Israel reported Iranian officials comments:

A top Iranian politician has said Tehran will “catch” US President Donald Trump and “place him on trial” for his actions against Iran and others.

Mohsen Rezaei, former commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and currently the secretary of the Expediency Council, which advises Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told Iran’s Channel 2: “Ultimately, we will catch Trump and place him on trial, God willing. An international court will convene and Trump will have to stand trial. He should stand trial not just for what he did to our people, but for his crimes against other nations as well.”

In the September 22 interview, translated and made available by the Middle East Media Research Institute, Rezaei mocked Washington for failing to respond to Tehran’s downing of an American surveillance drone, and said the US was not proving to be much of an ally to Iran’s regional foe Saudi Arabia.

“When the Americans are incapable of retaliating against Iran for the downing of their ultra-secret plane, would they be able to help Saudi Arabia? They cannot defend themselves, so how would they defend Saudi Arabia?

Despite Iran engaging in blatant acts of war and threatening the leader of the Free World, the EU and European leaders are busy appeasing the Islamic regime. Earlier this month, French President Emmanuel Macron offered a $15 billion worth of credit to Tehran amid tightening U.S. sanction. Germany has been the driving force behind the EU-Iran trade mechanism, or INSTEX, a international payment system that enables the bypassing of the U.S. sanctions on Tehran.

Not just the Europeans, former Obama administration’s Secretary of State, John Kerry, has been accused of advising the Iranian regime on how to deal with the Trump administration. Kerry has admitted meeting Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif several times since leaving the office and didn’t deny telling Iranians to wait out the current President until a Democratic successor takes over the White House.

While Tehran seems to be doing everything to provoke a military conflict with the United State, President Trump has pursued the “maximum pressure” strategy through means of economic sanctions. Last Wednesday, the White House announced a new set of sanctions on Iran. This time targeting the country’s national bank, a move aimed at choking the regime’s money supply from illegal oil trade. These new sanctions will “cut off all source of funds to Iran,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin explained.

The sanctions are now “inching toward economic blockade,” the D.C.-based Foreign Policy journal noted. “Iran’s inflation is officially north of 40 percent, (…) its economy is projected to shrink by 3 to 6 percent this year, and, most importantly, the regime’s main source of revenue to fund destabilizing activities in the region has been severely curtailed,” the magazine concluded.

Tehran received billions of dollar from the Obama administration for signing the 2015 nuclear deal. The regime has since squandered billions in promoting Islamic terrorists in Syria, Lebanon, and elsewhere in the Middle East. With Obama-era reserves drying up, the regime faces an economic collapse as sanctions imposed by President Trump bite deep.

President Trump imposes new sanctions on Iran bank following Saudi Arabia oil attack

[Cover image via YouTube]


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legacyrepublican | September 29, 2019 at 12:12 pm

I would suggest a dummy flight of Air Force 1 to fly by Iran on the way to Saudia Arabia or some close by spot. They will call out their planes to intercept. We will, of course, respond by whipping their behinds in the air.

Just a thought.

” so many target opportunities…………..where to begin? “

I am certain that the Dems are on such good relations with so many dictators and criminal elements it wouldn’t be hard to fabricate something. I think it was Churchill that said that you are best known by the number of your enemies. For Trump it is easy….any one that hates American (both foreign and domestic). Until Trump we never grasped how truly “Deep” the NWO was in USA.

I know who said that this past week, but it’s been effectively said by both Ds and Iran (as a proxy for both Sunni and Shia Muslims).

We should all understand that they’re all coming for us. Trump as our proxy and the genuine American system (of truly limited, constitutional government) are the targets.

There is a huge difference between the President of the United States in his official capacity asking a foreign country to investigate corruption and the candidate for President using his office to get campaign fodder.

The former is what Trump did. The later is what Democrats due and automatically made the synaptic leap that Trump would do this because the Democrats are so corrupt.

    counsel in reply to dystopia. | September 29, 2019 at 1:31 pm

    The Democrats can’t help themselves. If they were looking for a corrupt act they struck too soon. There is nothing impeachable here The “Chinese Wall” (as they say in finance) between the campaign and the Presidency was not breached.