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IFES Endorses International Open Data Charter Principles


The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) is pleased to announce its endorsement of the International Open Data Charter (ODC) principles. According to these principles, “open data is digital data that is made available with the technical and legal characteristics necessary for it to be freely used, reused, and redistributed by anyone, anytime, anywhere.” As such, open data can be key to solving complex societal challenges, but also to rebuilding trust between governments and citizens. In September 2021, IFES launched a new Center for Anti-Corruption and Democratic Trust to pursue cross-sectoral anti-corruption initiatives that address the global democratic trust deficit. As part of this, we will draw on diverse sources of open data to inform these initiatives, while also continuing to encourage local partners to adopt open data practices as part of our global democracy, rights and governance programs globally.  

Published on April 14, 2022.