The latest news on ARDF's Development Projects
May 2023



The past six months have been busy! Our partners have sent some wonderful updates on current projects, and we've been able to visit Nepal and see many of our partners at the GAFCON conference in Kigali, Rwanda. We've also taken time during Lent and the Easter season to learn from our Global Partners and to support their work through our Nehemiah Fund. We are so grateful for your prayers and support as together we come alongside the local church all over the world!

Celebrating Holy Cross Theological College, Myanmar

In 2020, ARDF approved a grant which helped Holy Cross Theological College (HCTC) expand and equip more classrooms and its library, meeting the need to train even more students. The school opened in August 2022 and since then 125 students have enrolled - more than expected! The project completion process was in itself a source of hope to the community as it was finished in spite of delays from COVID and the 2021 military coup. This institution is an important training ground for raising up a new generation of clergy committed to traditional Christian values in an increasingly secular culture.


Project Updates

Your Impact

In the past 6 months (since the last project update on November 1, 2022), ARDF has sent more than  $622,000 to projects in:
  • Egypt
  • Ghana
  • Kenya
  • Madagascar
  • Nepal
  • Rwanda
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • Uganda


We are excited for the groundbreaking of the primary school in Ambositra, Madagascar! This school will serve roughly 250 students ages 6 to 14, with a greater impact in the wider community. Miraculously, Cyclone Freddy did not affect the construction site, though the country is still reeling from the effects of the storm. Please keep Mozambique and Malawi in your prayers as they rebuild after the natural disaster and pray for those in Ambositra working on the construction of the primary school.



"We are pleased to be able to share that the project is well and truly underway and we are making excellent progress."
- Update from March 2023

In Egypt, the first step for the construction of a new school was to demolish the old building on the site, no longer suitable for use. Then the Ministry of Antiquities had to complete an inspection to ensure there were no remains or ruins of historic interest before any new construction could occur. Once this permit was granted, work began on the foundation and the skeleton of the new building. Now the brickwork, plastering, and woodwork for the door frames are all underway, along with electrical work and basic plumbing.


In Guatemala, the community center being built by Misión Desafío is underway! This structure will serve children and families living in Guatemala City’s landfill, providing a safe place for outreach which includes tutoring, medical support, and daily breakfast. They report that one of the most encouraging things about the construction process is working with ARDF!

“It is the first time working with an organization like the ARDF and being guided by quality people . . . and this is very encouraging! Just to know that we are not alone, and we are sharing this project with people who have the same calling as us: to make the kingdom of heaven bigger, it is a great honor to be part of this amazing team.”
- Update from December 2022


Visiting our Partners in Nepal

In March, two of ARDF’s team visited Nepal for the dedication of Joyland Kindergarten in Pokhara. It was a joy to fellowship with our partners, see the ongoing construction of the school, and meet some of the incredible teachers who are serving there!

The Dedication Ceremony included pastors from around Nepal, Joyland Kindergarten students and teachers, ARDF team members, and Bishops and clergy from Singapore.


2023 Grant Cycle

We are thrilled at the numerous projects submitted for consideration this year! Our Development Grant Application Process closed on March 31, and now selected applicants will now be asked to submit a full proposal. Please pray for our team and for our potential partners during this time of discernment.

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The Anglican Relief and Development Fund
800 Maplewood Ave | Ambridge, Pennsylvania 15003

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