Measure U: tabling for safer streets
Sign up here to help engage folks at our Oakland farmer's markets and other events. We'll be talking about how a "Yes on Measure U" vote will help support OakDOT in implementing bike and pedestrian safety upgrades.
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Can you volunteer for at least one morning shift on any weekend day between now and November 6th? *
First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone (optional for now, would be used for logistics day-of your selected shift)
Grand Lake Farmer's Market (Saturdays 9AM to 2PM)
I can commit
List me as an alternate
Can do a half shift
October 8th
October 15th
October 22nd
October 29th
November 5th
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Temescal Farmer's Market (Sundays 9AM to 2PM)
I can commit
List me as an alternate
Can do a half shift
October 9th
October 16th
October 23rd
October 30th
November 6th
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