NCC MFSA and the Voices on Health Care NC

By Nancy Van Antwerp, NCC MFSA

NCC MFSA Jack Crum Conference 2020.jpg

Among the challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic has been how to hold a conference in the era of social distancing.  The North Carolina Conference chapter (MFSA-NCC) successfully tackled both the issue of health care and new technologies, producing a series of three webinars, Voices on Health Care NC, broadcast live, three evenings in October.  

The series, also known as the 12th annual Jack Conference on Prophetic Ministry, continues MFSA-NCC's tradition of hosting annual conferences named in honor of Jack Crum, a NC UMC pastor who fought against segregation at great personal cost.  Recent themes have included Faith Summit on Child Poverty; Voting Rights for All; Love Thy Neighbor (The Church and Welcoming Persons from the LGBTQ Community); An Honest Conversation About Race & the End of White Privilege: Radical Welcome: Living with the Other; and Economic Inequality for All.

Choice of the 2020 theme grew out of the Covid-19 pandemic and the continuing struggle to get the NC General Assembly to pass Medicaid expansion authorized under the Affordable Care Act and the Covid pandemic.  For several years, MFSA-NCC has been a supporting member of Care4Carolina, a broad-based coalition of 75+ organizations advocating for closure of the insurance coverage gap, expanding access to affordable quality healthcare for all North Carolinians.  Many of the speakers for Jack Crum Voices on Health Care NC came from relationships developed through Care4Carolina stakeholder meetings.  Co-sponsors of the event were the NC Council of Churches and the NC Justice Center.

To address the limitations imposed by virtual events, the planning team reconfigured our usual four to six hour in-person conference into three, shorter, 90-minute webinars.  Each date had a focus, with three guest speakers invited for their expertise to address specific topics.  A moderator fielded questions from on-line attendees after each speaker and facilitated the flow of the webinar.  We also had one of our own speak about methods for engaging in advocacy at the conclusion of each webinar.

The themes, speakers, and subtitles for each of the three webinars were as follows:

Session One, October 7, 2020:  Health Care, the Bible, Christian Tradition, and Current Perspectives

  1. Rev. Dr. Laceye Warner (Duke University).  Dr. Warner's theme was "Primitive Physick-Care of the Sick in Early Methodism."

  2. Dr. G. Scott Morris (Church Health, Memphis, TN) spoke on the 19th century role of pastor as healer, the growth of charitable hospital and how healthcare financing changed with the advent of employer-based health insurance. He is an advocate for the church reclaiming a role in providing health care.

  3. Rev. Dr. George McClain (Former National Executive Director MFSA) spoke on "An Activist Theological Perspective on Systemic Change in Health Care Delivery," addressing health care institutions as part of the biblical "principalities and powers" that need to be continually unmasked, engaged, & redeemed.

Session Two, October 14, 2020: Our Health Crisis and Its Impact on Diverse Populations

  1. Karen Winkfield, MD, PhD, spoke on "Health Care Disparities for People of Color and Other Minority Groups."

  2. Jason Gray, NC Rural Center, focused on "Rural Health in NC, A System in Crisis."

  3. Adam Sotak, NC Child, addressed "Health Challenges Facing Women and Children."

Session Three, October 21, 2020: The Cost and Economic Impact of Our Current Health Care Crisis

  1. William Munn, NC Justice Center, Budget & Tax Center.  Mr. Munn's theme was "Our Employment Based Health Insurance and the Coverage Gap.

  2. Peg O'Connell, Care4Carolina Chair, explored "The Cost and Benefits of Medicaid Expansion, a Potential Solution," including specific legislation and the efforts directed toward passage in the upcoming legislative session.

  3. Rebecca Cerese, Medicare for All NC, Board member, presented "Universal Coverage. The Argument for Medicare for All."

All sessions were recorded and are in the process of being editing for eventual availability on-line.  MFSA NCC website is


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