News and Events – January/February 2023

New On Board

With the new year, we welcome two new members to our foundation board, former U.S. representative Carolyn Maloney, a longtime supporter of The Floating Hospital, and Martin Tuchman, CEO of Kingstone Capital V, an investment firm with holdings in real estate, banking and international shipping, and chairman of The Tuchman Foundation and Parkinson’s Alliance.

“Throughout her storied Congressional career, Carolyn Maloney has been a champion for women and families,” says President Sean Granahan. “She’s found a home for herself with The Floating Hospital and our dedication to the poorest young mothers in New York City. She has worked tirelessly to get them access to healthcare and the relief services for which we have been known for the past 155+ years. Her colleague Martin, likewise, has worked with us to help set up vaccine preparedness for the families of Astoria Houses. Together they bring a wealth of experience and compassion for those less fortunate than us.”

Martin Tuchman is an innovator, entrepreneur and philanthropist who has significantly contributed to the technology industry, including innovations still in use today. He started his career as an automotive engineer, subsequently founding and developing several highly successful businesses. As chairman of the Tuchman Foundation, The Parkinson’s Alliance and Parkinson’s Unity Walk, he works to raise funds to forward research to end Parkinson’s, develop more effective therapies and improve the lives of those with Parkinson’s disease.

Among Mr. Tuchman’s many honors include Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year and The Smithsonian Institute Hero medal. In addition, his alma mater, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, named its School of Management after him in 2016. The Martin Tuchman School of Management teaches students to become technology managers and leaders.

We are excited to work with them as we continue to advance our care.

New Life Skills curriculum for 2023

Adulting 101

Taking place in our health education classroom, Adulting 101 is an in-person eight-week series starting February 6 with a financial literacy course. The curriculum walks patients through the world of credit, loans, budgeting, and saving and delves into an array of life skills such as job searching, resume building, interviews, sexual health, nutrition, scheduling medical appointments, apartment living and tenant rights.

The Floating Hospital book club

Educator Leah DeFusco is creating a bi-weekly book club for adults. Patients will meet up in our classroom for lively discourse and refreshments—The Floating Hospital will provide the books. The book club will give patients recreation and an unofficial support group, addressing an emotional aspect of wellness that is a crucial component of our patients’ good health.

“Literacy is a priority,” stated Dr. Miller, director of health education. “If you can’t read, many obstacles are going to impact your health and your access to it in the long run.”

The book club is scheduled for a spring launch. “Participants will have something that is theirs,” says Ms. DeFusco. “It’s a chance to connect with other adults and escape into a new world with each book. Most of their days are about childcare and the basic struggle to stay afloat. Our club is just for them.”

We welcome volunteers to our book club! If you are interested, please get in touch with Leah at

The need to tackle health equities: an interview with president, Sean Granahan

“There has been a consistent humanitarian crisis in New York City over the last 50 years that nobody talks about: homeless mothers and children.” So says Mr. Granahan in a February 6, 2023, article in the pharmaceutical industry publication Medical Marketing and Media. He speaks about how the most impoverished see the worst health outcomes and addresses how healthcare providers and companies can make social determinants of health a more significant part of their core approach to healthcare. Read the article here.

Committed to Care

Celebrations took place at the end of December at a special board meeting and in early January at our first “all hands” staff meeting of 2023 to honor the commitment of 39 long-tenured staffers. These dedicated employees have been on our team for over ten years—four, including president, Sean Granahan, serving for over 20 years. All have been integral to our enduring mission to help all New York City families live healthier, more fulfilling lives.

“You’ve found your home,” states the director of community outreach, Cynthia Davis (21 years). “If you’re about the mission and willing to put in the time, The Floating Hospital is your home.”

This post featured in our monthly newsletter from November 2022.

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Other posts from this newsletter:

Celebrating Endings

The Gift of Candy Cane Lane

Where Salty Breezes Blow

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The Floating Hospital provides high-quality healthcare to anyone who needs it regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, immigration or insurance status, or the ability to pay. By providing unrestricted medical care in tandem with health education and social support to vulnerable New York City families, The Floating Hospital aims to ensure those most in need have the ability to thrive, not just survive.


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