You are the most interesting part of your life.

Live from the inside out!

Hi, I am Pam

I am not your average coach, image consultant, or advisor. I am your partner.

I help women shine from the inside out. I work with my clients to build authentic lives where values, self-love, and confidence prime over societal norms and expectations.

I help you create your life on your own terms.

I get the frustrations and the pressures you are under... I have been there. Through self-work, love, and conscious decision-making, I took the responsibility for creating my life on my own terms. I am now living on the other side and I have made it my mission to help other women become the most interesting part of their life.

Let’s build the confidence and the purpose to live as you want and never as you should.

Here is how I can help:

  • Coaching

  • Image Consulting

Allow me to help you take the next step of your life with ease.

  • Becoming

    High expectations for who you need to be, how you need to act, and the things you “should do” have you exhausted and frustrated. You have been taking care of everyone else and on the way, you have forgotten what is important to you.⁣⁣

    If you are a woman looking to take a step back, understand the pressures you are under, unveil what is real and what is not, and from there purposely design a new path forward, one based on your values and authenticity, I am looking forward to working with you.

    I will help you create your life on your own terms.

  • What Is Next?

    So far you have lived a wonderful life. You have given everything you are to others - your kids, your partner, your family, your work.

    Now it is time to give it all to yourself. It is ok.

    If you are in a transitional stage in your life, either becoming an empty nester, reimagining a relationship, or simply reconnecting with your authentic self and new reality, I am looking forward to working with you to define your unique path forward based on your values and sense of empowerment.

    No more hiding, it is your time to shine.

What Pam’s clients say about working with her

  • I have found our work together to be invaluable.

    “I sought Pam’s expertise to improve my day-to-day quality of life. In no time at all, I was back to meditating, eating more beneficially, exercising regularly & generally feeling more positive. We explore obstacles, emotions that block progress, and 'black & white' thinking where Pam helps me be more comfortable living in the ‘grey' areas.

    Pam is a patient, understanding, reflective listener who asks poignant questions to help facilitate decision-making and positive movement. Whether your goals are life-changing or focused on self-care, I have found our work together to be invaluable.”

    — LSK, Bethesda, Maryland

  • I credit Pam for helping me achieve my life goals!!!

    “Pam is a supportive coach. She is a great listener and was instrumental in helping me establish what I needed to live a more fulfilled life. She helped me create goals and put together a specific action plan to achieve them. We worked together to prioritize what was important, held me accountable, and was tough when it was necessary. I am now happier, feeling more settled, and seeing my life moving forward in a positive way. I credit Pam for helping me achieve my life goals!!!

    Thanks Pam for everything!! You were and are amazing.”

    — RR, Potomac, Maryland

  • It's great to know that I don't have to be alone in this journey.

    "My work with Pam has been truly transformational.

    It is very rare in my experience to find a life coach who is so skilled at creating such a safe nourishing space, who is so attentive to the details, has a very grounding presence and energy while being also so focused on taking the actions and creating the real strategies to make a difference in one's life.

    I feel so empowered and so supported after each one of our sessions! It's great to know that I don't have to be alone in this journey. I'll highly recommend Pam to everyone in search of a trusted partner to take your life to the next level."

    — DD, New York City

Connect with Pam today.