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OC Action was founded in 2017 to build an AAPI-Latinx-Labor-Environmental Justice Alliance and to develop progressive political power. This has been the result of decades of community organizing and integrated voter engagement in the region. Underrepresented communities across Orange County have undergone significant shifts in local empowerment in recent years.

OC Action is committed to a long-term progressive transformation of the electorate and will continue to move towards the change that our people deserve.

  • Job: Field Data Coordinator
    The Field Data Coordinator will help manage use of the organization’s PDI system and supporting voter engagement tools to facilitate successful electoral and issue-based campaigns.
  • Job: Civic Engagement Manager
    The Civic Engagement Manager will implement and manage OC Action’s integrated voter engagement (IVE) strategy, civic engagement activities and program capacity building.

OC Action educates voters on key issues that impact the community to bring progressive change in Orange County. OC Action is tax exempt under IRC Section 501(c)(4).