Publication | Report/Paper

Justice Policy Series, Part III: Accountability for Democratic Renewal

Published on Open Government Partnership on May 31, 2022.

Evidence from numerous data-producing and governance institutions shows a clear and consistent trend of increased autocratization and a decline in the rule of law over the past decade. To reverse this harmful trend and reinforce open government, the global community must work together to renew democracy. Central to this effort is the need for effective and accessible accountability measures to deter and sanction rights violations and other anti-democratic behavior.

In its discussion of citizen-activated accountability, the paper focuses on both institutions – including judiciaries, legislatures, tribunals, ombudsmen, and others – and mechanisms that prompt these institutions to act. These accountability structures provide a backstop against many of the types of abuses that have increased in recent years by allowing citizens to protect their rights and ensure that government actors act lawfully.

Overview of Chapters: Common Challenges, Common Solutions

This paper contains six chapters which each describe how OGP members can strengthen and improve access to citizen-activated accountability mechanisms in response to a different type of problem or harm.

Read the report.

Editor: Jessica Hickle, Research Officer

Contributing Authors

  • Uchechi Anyanwu, International Foundation for Electoral Systems
  • Alexandra Brown, International Foundation for Electoral Systems
  • Andrew Ecclestone, Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington
  • Katherine Ellena, International Foundation for Electoral Systems
  • Joseph Foti, Chief Research Officer, OGP
  • Jason Lakin, Zayed University
  • Richard Messick, Independent Consultant
  • Cielo Morales, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Paulina Ornelas, Research Associate, OGP

Additional Resources

Find the Global Report here.
Find the whole Justice Policy Series here.

Published on June 8, 2022.