You are not alone.

Our Mission:

Empty Arms Vermont provides peer support to individuals and families whose babies have died through miscarriage, stillbirth, early infant death, or termination for medical reasons. By cultivating personal connections, creating a compassionate community, and fostering professional collaborations, we provide grieving parents with valuable resources and validation as they navigate the murky days, weeks, and lifetime without their baby.

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Join our Peer Support Groups

We currently run five peer support groups. These groups are free and online.
Pregnancy & Infant Loss Bereavement: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Trying for Another Baby: 3rd Monday of the month
Pregnancy After Loss: 3rd Thursday of the month
Miscarriage Support Group: Last Wednesday of the month
Parenting After Loss: 1st Monday of the month

If you are thinking of joining and would like to learn more, please email us or follow the link below.



We know that going to a support group is not for everyone. How else can we help you?

Email Support: Feel like dumping out all your truest feelings onto the screen? Go for it! Not only will we read your words, but we'll write back to you. We're here on the other end of the inbox:

Phone Support: Sometimes a listening ear can help, even if the person on the other end of the phone is a stranger. Many of us have been in the position of feeling like we need to talk, but preferring to do that from the privacy and comfort of our own home. If you'd like telephone support, you can call or text 802-232-2512.


Connect Online

Sometimes it’s the quick messages to remember you are not alone in your grief journey. Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram for resources and updates.


Grief is existential testimony to the worth of the one loved. That worth abides. So I own my grief. I do not try to put it behind me, to get over it, to forget it… Every lament is a love-song.
— Nicholas Wolterstorff