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Plogging: Trash Running in Shanghai
The rise in rapid economic growth, increased wealth, purchasing power, and consumption in China has had an impact on its environment. Trash, especially plastic waste, is a common problem in Chinese cities as well as other cities around the world. Chinese urban millennials are becoming more aware of the litter on their city streets and the connection between consumption and the environment. This video is about the Chinese millennials in Shanghai who are embracing a worldwide movement that combines running and trash pickup. Plogging is a word that combines jogging with picking up litter. 0:00 Intro to Plogging 0:25 Ming and the Trash Running Group 1:23 Summer and Her Changing View on Trash and Environment 2:42 Ming Leading the Trash Running Group 3:26 Ming’s View on Environment Visit the 1990 Institute’s Reference Library to learn more about plogging, China’s role in plastic waste both as generator and processor, and the interconnection between the U.S and China regarding plastic trash. #trash #running #plogging #environment #shanghai #China #plastic #consumption #waste #jogging #litter #millennial

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1990 Institute

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