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Atlanta Police: Spa Shootings ‘Not Racially Motivated,’ Suspect Blames ‘Sex Addiction’

Atlanta Police: Spa Shootings ‘Not Racially Motivated,’ Suspect Blames ‘Sex Addiction’

Stop politicizing deaths! It is not hard to wait for the facts.

The Atlanta police said Robert Aaron Long, the man suspected of murdering eight people at three spas, allegedly admitted to the killings.

The suspect also told the police race did motivate him to kill. He blamed his sex addiction.

Again, stop politicizing deaths to advance your narrative. The police said six Asian Americans died, but so did two white people.

Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office Capt Jay Baker told the media about the suspect’s confession:

“The suspect did take responsibility for the shootings, he said that early on once we began the interviews with him,” Baker said.

“He claims… that this was not racially motivated. He apparently has an issue, what he considers a sex addiction, and sees these locations as something that allows him to go to these places, and it’s a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate. Like we said, it’s still early on, but these are the comments that he made,” Baker said.

Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds mentioned Long “may have frequented some of these places in the past.”

The police took the 21-year-old man into custody hours after the shootings.

The Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta immediately blamed “white supremacy and systemic racism” for the killings:

“We are heartbroken by these acts of violence,” Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta said in a statement. “While the details of the shootings are still emerging, the broader context cannot be ignored. The shootings happened under the trauma of increasing violence against Asian Americans nationwide, fueled by white supremacy and systemic racism.”

The group is not alone:

Police in Atlanta and other major cities deplored the killings, and some said they would increase patrols in Asian American communities. Seattle’s mayor said “the violence in Atlanta was an act of hate,” and San Francisco police tweeted #StopAsianHate. The New York City Police counterterrorism unit said it was on alert for similar attacks.

Other civil liberties groups and prominent Americans also expressed their dismay. The Rev. Bernice King, daughter of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., said she’s “deeply saddened that we live in a nation and world permeated by hate and violence. I stand with Asian members of our World House, who are a part of our global human family.”

Just stop. Families just lost loved ones. Your narrative is not more important than the victims and their loved ones.


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This was the lead story on the local news stations last night, I flipped around to several of them and they were all singing from the “white supremacist” hymnal even though nothing yet was really known about the shooter. Whoever is behind the scenes crafting narratives and getting them out to MSM is very very good. They get the story, define the desired narrative and get it out to the media and democrat politicians even before something becomes “breaking news”.

When that “white” Texas church was shot up I don’t recall nation-wide solidarity with “white” people. For all those “white” people seeking redemption for sins they never committed against minorities….hint… you will never be forgiven and will always be punished because… “white”.

What a worthless little twerp the shooter is. (social worth is inversely proportional to the cost to society). He “couldn’t help his addiction” defense should fall on deaf ears. It won’t but should.

I can’t help but notice the “pre-messaging” that was going on prior to this about anti-Asian violence. Started like 2 months ago, politicians started seeding the idea about Asian protection.

“The shootings happened under the trauma of increasing violence against Asian Americans nationwide, fueled by white supremacy and systemic racism.”

Ah, yes. The scourge of black white supremacists.

Asian immigrants and Americans of Asian descent are some of the most successful people in the US. They must be adept at circumventing all that systemic racism supposedly keeping minorities down.

    alaskabob in reply to Paddy M. | March 17, 2021 at 12:25 pm

    Looking back at the Rodney King Loot, Shoot and Scoot I and II riots how many Asian businesses were at risk from “white” rioters. Major run on black shoe polish back then to make the rioters “Night Fighters” (aside…a term used by black soldiers in England in WWII for those that had never seen a black person). Korea Town had to defend themselves while the police protected Parker Center and other government buildings.

Amazing how they can spin a case of sex workers being killed into racism.

I’m curious how many of these sex workers were actually slaves/traffic victims…. it the REAL reason they were asian (Seattle found dozens of asian slaves in the massage parler stings)

Of course that is not the narrative, so zero journalists will ask those questions.


After realizing that Trump was not going to support gun control legislation, but would actively oppose anti-2nd Amendment measures, the Left effectively abandoned any serious attempts to pass gun-grab legislation. During the latter years of the Trump administration, the incidence of mass shootings dwindled to near invisibility. At least I don’t recall it being the lead story on the news every night.

All of a sudden, with the Neo-Communist wing of the Democratic party in power, and rumblings about new gun control measures coming out of the White House and Congress, there is an increase in gun violence. Most recently a shooter opens fire at a Georgia massage parlor. Only the fact that the community and media immediately picked up the “white supremacy” narrative tells me they were unable to find a hook to exploit the event to call for gun control, so they will simply blame it on red-neck, mouth-breathing, gun-toting Trump supporters.

LukeHandCool | March 17, 2021 at 3:10 pm

And suddenly professional racial tension mongers Kendi and Hannah-Jones have gone from calling Asians “white adjacent” and beneficiaries of white supremacism to now (temporarily) deeming them full-fledged people of color.

The suspect also told the police race did motivate him to kill. He blamed his sex addiction.

I don’t know what it is, but this blog consistently has the worst editing of any of the all-volunteer blogs I frequent. And no, don’t claim it’s unreasonable to expect volunteers to be able to check their own spelling/grammar/copyediting; Ace, Sundance, SDA, David Thompson, etc., etc. don’t have this problem.

    Burn_the_Witch in reply to daniel_ream. | March 17, 2021 at 5:44 pm

    Nonsense. If you don’t like it, volunteer your own services or bail. If you don’t think Ace has some copy-editing issues in almost every post he makes, then you don’t read Ace. Somehow, most other adults seem to be able to move past it.

    But if you try even harder, you might even get over copy-editing issues for people who volunteer their time to sometimes have to deal with an internet rando badgering them in the comments.

    dmacleo in reply to daniel_ream. | March 17, 2021 at 6:20 pm

    bye b*tch

    henrybowman in reply to daniel_ream. | March 17, 2021 at 7:26 pm

    Are you getting what you paid for?
    There are less dickish ways to point out errors like this.

    daniel_ream in reply to daniel_ream. | March 18, 2021 at 3:38 pm

    And here come the “leave Britney alone” fanbois.

    This blog isn’t a charity. Its embedded ads are a visual holocaust. There’s a giant DONATE button right on the masthead. I’m not talking about occasional misspellings or subtle subject-object disagreement. This blog’s contributors consistently mangle sentences to the point that they’re gibberish or, as in this case, completely inverted from their intended meaning.

    If LI wants my money, then they can adhere to at least a high school student newspaper’s standard of writing.

      henrybowman in reply to daniel_ream. | March 18, 2021 at 9:23 pm

      Right, because 501(c)(3) orgs aren’t charities, and charities don’t ask for donations.
      So, did you in fact bother to donate, or do you just object to seeing the button?
      You can always stop donating and go elsewhere if the blog isn’t up to your standards.
      Why not start reading Alex Jones? It would raise the average IQ of both blog audiences.

“sees these locations as something that allows him to go to these places, and it’s a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate”

Hey, remember Pulse? A gay nightclub, targeted by a self-hating gay Muslim.

I’m sure Biden’s incessant promotion of pervert supremacy will mean a great future for America.