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Trump Security Adviser John Bolton to Give Coast Guard Commencement Address

Trump Security Adviser John Bolton to Give Coast Guard Commencement Address

“address has been delivered by Presidents of the United States and top cabinet members for decades”

It’s probably a pretty safe bet that there won’t be any protests here. Military grads know how to show respect. reports:

Trump’s National Security Adviser to Speak at Coast Guard Commencement

National security adviser John R. Bolton will be the graduation speaker at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut — carrying on a long history of high-profile speakers.

The commencement address has been delivered by Presidents of the United States and top cabinet members for decades. President Donald Trump spoke at the academy in 2017 under a tradition in which presidents rotate their commencement speeches at the military service academies. Vice President Mike Pence delivered the address last year.

Bolton, whose official title is assistant to the President for national security affairs, will be speaking on May 22 at the 138th commencement on the academy’s football field, overlooking the Thames River.

Bolton, 70, hold an undergraduate and law school degree from Yale.

A conservative for more than 50 years, Bolton ran a “Students for Goldwater” chapter when he was a high school student during the 1964 presidential election. He served as an intern under Vice President Spiro Agnew during the summer of 1972.


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Goldwater would have been the right president for the times. I still remember that mushroom cloud – daisy petal commercial that reportedly doomed his campaign.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to walls. | May 6, 2019 at 11:37 am

    I saw that commercial.

    Lyndon Johnson was – in context of my living memory – the worst president we ever had, by far. He, with the help of Ted Kennedy and a compliant congress (both parties), did damage to this country that nothing short of a new start will cure.